Our meditation workshops are an ideal way to experience inner peace through meditation and a change in perspective. These courses examine a particular topic in greater depth than would be possible in a weekly class.
Our workshops, are open to everyone and are suitable for all levels of experience, including beginners. We offer full and half day courses.
Meditation Workshop with Gen Kelsang Rabten
Sat 15 Feb | KMC Australia (Dandenong Ranges)
Just as a cup that is already full cannot hold more water, a person who feels they already know everything has no room to learn from others or from life’s experiences. In contrast, a humble person who sees themselves as a beginner and respects everyone they meet is open to learning from every person and situation. By cultivating a beginner's mind, we can make steady progress on our meditation path, improving month by month and year by year.
In this special course, Gen Kelsang Rabten, Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centres in Australia and Melbourne, will share valuable methods for maintaining a humble, open-minded approach to meditation, no matter how advanced we become.
Meditation Workshop with Gen Kelsang Rabten
Sat 22 Feb | TBA
Why are some people naturally happy and successful, while others face persistent problems and obstacles? Why does contentment and good fortune seem elusive, while difficulties arise effortlessly? How can I change this situation? What is the missing ingredient that would help me create the life I desire? Buddha offers clear answers to these questions through his teachings on the law of karma.
In this one-day course, Gen Kelsang Rabten will explain this universal law and provide practical guidance on how to live in harmony with it.